A Collection
of Works

by Alexander Vanvik

I am an interaction designer and I do most of my work in projects between the early prototype stage and final implementation. I love to work in highly technical, multi-diciplinary teams, and I try to keep my skillset wide. Currently I'm experimenting with real-time 3D rendering, VR, animation and all sorts of digital prototyping.

Sometimes I work on with side-projects in Unity or Unreal Engine. I teach what I know to my peers, and occasionally I do talks and workshops at conferences.

At the moment I work at EGGS Design and tweet at @AVanvik

Blueye ROV controller UI

I had a chance to work with Blueye robotics from early on in their adventure. Blueye were developing a submersible unmanned drone to make the sea more accessible to more people. In a highly multidiciplinary team, my role in the project has been to design the UI for controlling the drone.

Talk on project with Blueye Robotics at Trondheim Developer Conference 18

A look into the ROV UI project I did for Blueye Robotics together with some of my very skilled co-workers

Programvare for evakuering av cruiseskip

Sporing av mennesker og oppgaver i kart-grensesnitt for å redde liv under evakuering på cruiseskip. Modulen er utviklet for å passe inn i Autronicas eksisterende systemer som i dag brukes av cruise, fabrikker, atomkraftverk over hele verden.

Talk on prototyping tools at IxDA in 2016

A quick talk about some of the prototyping tools I used at the time, and a peek into some projects.

Bus driver computer GUI

Redesign of bus computer interface in Helsinki.

Bus ticket validator

Prototypes and visual concept and UI for ticket validators developed by Fara for public transportation.

Climate control alert handling for professionals

App for personal power consuption overview

How can we prevent people from using too much electricity during peak hours? That's the question our client asked when we started this project in parallel with new power boxes being rolled out in Norway.

Orbital Command – Unity strategy game

In my spare time I sometimes tinker on a 2D orbital mechanics meets real-time strategy game. The current version, I am making in Unity, but I have earlier versions made in Swift and Unreal Engine too.

Public transportation ticked administration web shop

Pharmacology overview portal

Norsk Laboratoriekodeverk overview page for substances – the implemented version is running at farmakologiportalen.no

Trondheim Kommune

Responsive government portal. I did the visual design and a lot of the front-end code.

Drone HUD

After seeing Oblivion I just HAD to create this quick After Effects composition.


Silly slo-mo footage from my iPhone 5s somehow ended up like this.


Napha has a social network for psychology professionals.